ハワイより日系インターン フランシス君のご紹介 New internship from Hawaii







My name is Francis Nakamura. I am currently 21 years old an a 3rd year, soon to be 4th year, college student due to me currently being on summer break. My major is currently Japanese, but I am planning to study marketing as well, starting next semester. How I found this company was I am currently studying Japanese and in order to improve my skills, I thought it would be best I get some work experience in Japan.


Also, in Hawaii, tourism plays a big part in the local economy with a large amount of tourists being Japanese. As such, me and my father began looking at Japanese internships that would fit my needs. From that, we found Mizu Trans Corporation. When I had my first meeting with the President and Vice President, I was so nervous that I started sweating bullets. However, the President and Vice President were extremely welcoming and kind. The President and Vice President have also given me a lot of helpful advice, especially in how to act in Japanese society.

My current job up till now has been to check and fix English translations for company related pamphlets, reviews, etc. My first job, however, was to see off some of my fellow Americans whom had come to represent American Japanese relationships. So far, my time in the company has been very enjoyable and fun and I am looking forward to what will come in the future.


私の名前は中村フランシスともうします。私はハワイ州から参りました。私は今、21歳でハワイ大学の3年生でございます。今は夏休みで、来学期から4年生になります。専攻は日本語ですが、来学期からマーケティングもするつもりでございます。どうしてMizu Trans Corporationを見つけたかといいますと、現在日本語を勉強しておりますので、日本語がペラペラになるために、日本で仕事の経験をした方がいいと思ったからです。

また、ハワイの経済では観光がとても大切なので、そういう理由で日本のインターンシップを調べて見て、Mizu Trans Corporationを見つけました。最初に会社に行った時には、私はとても緊張してしまいましたが、社長と副社長はとてもやさしくてよく歓迎してくれました。そして、私にたくさんアドバイスをくれました。特に日本の社会でどのように行動すべきかのアドバイスです。

