総勢14名で 東峰村小石原と宝珠山に研修に行ってまいりました。
International group visited Koishiwara in Toho Village.
二か国語ガイドは CEOの水谷が担当。
もっと写真を見たい方は こちらへ。
さて、あとは1か月後の 陶芸体験の焼き物が出来上がるのが楽しみです。
We fully enjoyed pottery making using electric wheel, instructed by Mr. Yusuke Kumagai,
professional potter in Koishiwara.
He also demonstrated amazing technique and skills in front of us.
Looking forward our potters will be baked an completed within a month!!
Participant’s Comment!
Dear Mizuho
The tour was actually very exciting.
The course is well designed thanks to lots of preparations and contemplation.
It will be helpful for making a new course, I believe.
I am really appreciate for your full bilingual guide performance,
good relationship with locals and warm atmosphere among participants.
Thank you again and hope to see you in the next study tour.
Ms. A