インターン リサより自己紹介 Lisa, our intern from Germany (日英)



私はリサ・シュタインメッツ(Lisa Steinmetz)と言います。先月24歳になりました。ドイツから来ました。ヘッセン州のラインガウにある小さな町に住んでいます。電車でフランクフルトに1時間ぐらいかかります。




ドイツで2年間ぐらい日本語を勉強しましたが、まだたくさん習わなければなりません。ですから、10月5日から10月28日までMizu Trans Corporationでインターンシップをしています。それに、日本の仕事の慣習も習いたいです。







どうぞよろしくお願いします。 (この日本語の作文は、すべて本人が書きました。ほぼ修正なしです。素晴らしい!! by みず)




My name is Lisa Steinmetz, I am 24 years old and I am from Germany. There, I live in a small town in the area called Rheingau, which is located in the federal state of Hessen. From my hometown, it takes about one hour to Frankfurt by train.


My hobbies are collecting figures, reading essays about manga and anime, which were written and put online by other people, and, of course, meeting with my friends.


I studied Japanese for about two years in Germany, but I still need to learn a lot. Therefore, I am doing an internship at Mizu Trans Corporation from the 5th of October to the 28th of October. Moreover, I would like to understand the customs of the Japanese working environment better as well.


Right at the beginning of my internship, we had a big job: a 2-day-tour to Kagoshima with the members of the Board of Directors of the Swiss company Givaudan. We were in charge of the whole trip and showed them around.


At first I was a little nervous about it. However, because I want to gain a lot of experiences during my internship, I think this tour was a very good opportunity to do so.


Furthermore, until now, I sorted the receipts by date, payment by cash and payment by credit card. Moreover, by the help of an app, I took pictures of the business cards and archived them.

I am looking forward to learning new things.